Aleta Manugian, Attorney at Law
What Is Estate Planning?
What is an Estate? How can I avoid death taxes? How do I avoid probate?
What documents do I need to complete for an estate plan? What if I do nothing?
Aleta Manugian is an attorney in Groton. She started her business life as a real estate broker, leaving real estate to attend law school. She now has a civil practice, concentrating in real estate, estate planning, probate and non-profits. She has been involved in many volunteer activities in the area over the years. She is currently a volunteer at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry as well as a member of their Board of Directors, and a hospice volunteer with Nashoba Nursing Services.
Tuesday March 15 9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking
10:00 a.m. Speaker Begins
RSVP by Friday March 11 to Lauren at, 978-448-4122