Staff Profile: Scott Taylor, Resident Assistant

Scott Taylor is an original member of RiverCourt Residences, working
now for 20 years and 4 months since December of 2001. Before Scott
started working at RiverCourt he was unemployed and happened upon
a newspaper showing the opening of RiverCourt Residences. He
applied for the job and originally was told that he was overqualified
for the original position. At the time Scott had a license in social work
and had done a lot of health care work as well. Scott had attended two
different colleges; he first went to Lowell Technical from 1972 to
1974 and then he went to Barrington College from 1977 to 1979
receiving a bachelor’s degree in psychology and biblical studies.
RiverCourt Residences agreed to hire him, and the rest is 20 plus years
of history.

There are many memories that Scott mentioned, but the one’s that made him smile the most were the ones where he mentioned how closely he worked with residents that lived to be over 100, the cookouts that the staff would attend for certain milestones, and anytime that he could make a resident smile. He also mentioned that working with residents that lived over 100 were always highlights of his career. Scott mentioned many reasons as to why his years at RiverCourt have been rewarding, including when families come up to him and thank him and everyone else for the wonderful job that they do. He also mentioned that when good things happen to the residents, it always puts a smile on his face.

Scott loves this job because of the variety of activities and interactions he’s had with residents and their families, including the many outings he’s been part of. His hobbies include his love of travel, skiing, and swimming. Everyone at RiverCourt Residences is lucky to have him with his hard work and dedication, as well as his love for the Residents. Congratulations on 20+ years Scott!

Reflections Happenings | April 2022

Earth Day Celebration | April 2022

On April 22nd of this year, Earth Day is once again celebrated to protect the planet from environmental disasters like pollution and deforestation and overall environmental protection. Earth day was first implemented in the 1960’s by Senator Gaylord Nelson when he stated that he was worried that environmental issues were not being addressed in a political setting. This worry took place after the horrific oil spill of California in 1969 and he was inspired by the Vietnam War protests. The following year in 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated, and it fell between spring break and final exams so that children could also get involved. Approximately 20 million Americans showed their support and the 22nd of April became the official Earth Day celebration from that point on.

Several acts since then have come from the implementation of Earth Day. It helped inspire the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts. Then in 1990 Earth Day went officially global twenty years after Americas first Earth Day. Giving major attention to things like recycling and 200 million people in 141 countries then became involved.

New Employee: Ian, Maintenance

Ian is our other newest maintenance employee here at RiverCourt, also starting his full time position this past January. He started painting with Dave in RiverCourt 2 years ago and the rest is history. Ian has been working in the trade field for 20 years and has always enjoyed trying to solve problems and issues. He started in the trade as a teenager and enjoys the hard work and satisfaction from the end results of the work that he accomplishes. His favorite part of working at RiverCourt is meeting the residents and hearing their stories about their pasts. He states that “humans are fascinating and learning about how we are all different, yet share similar stories makes me believe that the world is a beautiful place.” Ian’s hobbies outside work include playing hockey and listening to Reggae music. He has a 6-year-old daughter named Maeve who loves hearing about his stories from work and who he loves to set great examples for and positive experiences through his actions with her. 

Tips for Staying Hydrated During the Day

Our bodies are made up of nearly 60% water, so when your body gets dehydrated, it doesn’t know how to function and energy levels can decrease dramatically. Not only does your energy decrease, but your digestion can become unregular and even your immunity can be compromised. Especially now during the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated and keep our bodies fit for whatever is thrown at it. Here are some tips to stay hydrated, even when you don’t feel thirsty:

  • Know Your Baseline amount of water your body can intake by one day tracking how much water you drink in one day. You can do this by writing it down, using an app on your phone or computer, or using a water bottle with the number of ounces on it. If you only refill your bottle once, or never, or if you only drink one or two cups a day, this might be your wakeup call to drink more water.
  • Hydrate when you wake up and before meals. Having water in front of you might not be enough to entice you to remember to drink it. Setting an alarm, drinking before meals, or drinking as soon as you wake up or before meals are sure fire ways to help you become more hydrated. It can also help drinking water before meals to stop you from overeating or even to help you slow down when you are eating a meal. Starting a meal with a less empty stomach can stop you from eating more than you should and even give you leftovers for the next day!
  • Eat your water intake. By eating more vegetables, not only are you encouraging your body to eat healthier, but you are also adding more hydration to your body while you eat. Fruits and vegetables have a high-water content that you can eat to help meet your daily water content. Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, and cantaloupe and vegetables like cabbage, celery and spinach are all about 90% water, which can all be added to your hydration quantity daily.

These tips and tricks and more can help increase your daily intake of water to ensure that your body stays awake, healthy and energized all day.

Covid Updates | March 2022

  • All visitors and staff continue to sign in at the front desk. 
  • We will continue social distancing guidelines as given to from the CDC guidelines. 
  • Surveillance testing will continue throughout RiverCourt until further notice which is recommended by the CDC. 
  • Reflections and AL/IL are starting to intermingle again. 
  • All residents from both AL/IL and Reflections no longer have to wear masks in the community. 
  • All venders of RiverCourt have to provide proof of vaccination to perform or come into the building. 
  • Revised copy of the handbook will be available as of: March 28th. 

Upcoming Events | March 2022

March Birthday’s

  • Anna Gerace 3/1
  • Elaine Doherty 3/5
  • Anita Masse 3/7
  • Dick Dargiewicz 3/11
  • Ethel Doyle 3/19
  • Libby Bourquin 3/23

Happy Birthday from Everyone at RiverCourt Residences!


Activities AL & IL | March 2022

International Night: Residents Get Transported to France for International Night