Upcoming Events: February 2022

  • Wednesday 2nd @ 3:30- Welcome Cocktail Hour with The Murphy’s
  • Saturday 5th @ 1:30- Music with the Band Suave
  • Monday 7th @ 3:00- Afternoon Social with Seth on Guitar
  • Thursday 10th @ 10:30- Power of Flowers: Valentine’s Day Flower Arranging
  • Friday 11th @ 1:30- Valentine’s Day Party with Ukulele J
  • Wednesday 15th @ 10:30- Stories with Dr. Ken: Disney World
  • Monday 21st @ 10:30- Guest Speaker Henry Quinlan: Helping the Aging Brain and Body Stay Healthy
  • Tuesday 22nd @ 2:30- Joe Malone Presents: Louis Armstrong
  • Thursday 24th @ 5:30- International Night: France

Resident Profile: Eleanor Cromwell

Eleanor, or as her friends and family call her Ellie, was born August 6th of 1930 (91) in Fitchburg Massachusetts where she spent her most forming years. She graduated high school at Fitchburg High School and then later graduated from the Convalescent home for Children. Eleanor’s husband was named Jack Cromwell, a coast guard and loving husband. They met in Nantucket where they would frequently run into each other on the beach everyday while Eleanor was working. She would be taking a walk on the beach with one of the children in their stroller named Hope. Eleanor stated that her husband would at that time tell his friends that “this is the women I am going to marry one day,” and the rest is history.

Eleanor has 3 children named John, Nancy Lee, and Faith; she also has 7 grandchildren as well. As she was married to a member of the Coast Guard, Eleanor has traveled a lot and been to several different countries. Including, but not limited to, Italy, France and most of England. While there her and her husband Jack loved to go see the theatre and the shows that were being performed there and just enjoyed spending time with one another.

Although she hasn’t been with us for too long, Eleanor has made several friends and has gotten along well with everyone she meets. She is a great addition to RiverCourt and will be able to tell wonderful stories about all the traveling that she has done in her lifetime.

Staff Profile: Stephan Keele, Maintenance

Steve works in the maintenance department here at RiverCourt Residences where on any given day you can see him striding down the hall off to help another resident or to fix the television that always seems to break in Reflections. Steve joined RiverCourt in the fall of 2021 on October 4th. He states that the best part of his job is that he genuinely just loves helping the residents anytime they need him, that the goal of coming into work everyday is to make everyone happy.

Steve, born in 1962, grew up in Boston Massachusetts and worked at Raytheon for the better part of 30 years before coming to RiverCourt. With decades of experience, Steve then came to RiverCourt at the end of last year.

Steve has been married to his wife for 18 years and has 4 boys and one girl, as well as three grandchildren. His free time includes many outdoor activities including fishing and hiking.

Happenings | February 2022

Bud helping with the framing of our “Art is 4 Every 1” Wall

George Parker plays the guitar for the Reflections residents.

Steps in Time with Michael

Another activity that residents in Reflections love to participate in is Steps in Time with Michael. It gets the resident excited to exercise and dance some really fun styles of dances and to enjoy each other’s company while doing it. Michael’s energy is contagious and rubs off on the other residents as they can sing and dance along.

Reflections – February 2022

Andy Ross

The residents in Reflections love when Andy Ross is in the building. His amazing talent and charisma open the residents up to all the dancing and singing that they love to do. His kindness and compassion towards everyone are why he is a favorite for all the residents at RiverCourt.

“Fashions of Downton Abbey” by Ren

Reflection’s residents traveled through time to learn about the clothing and how the people lived and dressed during the “Fashions of Downton Abbey” presented by Ren.

Bringing in the New Year!

As one year ends and a new one comes around, RiverCourt Residences welcomes you to the New Year. With a new year comes New Year’s resolutions, and a look back if you kept those of the year prior. It is said that the ancient Babylonians were the first to make New Year’s resolutions some 4,000 years ago. Although they took it a bit more serious to where the Babylonians would make promises to the gods, and if broken they would fall out of the gods’ favor forever. And while it is likely that if you don’t keep your New Year’s resolutions from the year before that you would be shunned forever, sometimes it is a bit disappointing when they don’t come to fruition in the end. Instead, just give yourself these 3 affirmations and thoughts throughout the year:

“It’s okay if I don’t accomplish everything this year, I can finish it next year.”

“I wasn’t as healthy/worked out as much as I should have this year. But that’s okay if I am mentally happy that is what should truly matter.”

“What I couldn’t accomplish this year was not life ending, is not the end of the world and can be finished at a later date.”

A New Year’s resolution was primarily a tradition from the western world, but it was also found in the Eastern World where each person would resolve to continue good practices or to accomplish a goal from the past year.

The best way to either not disappoint yourself at the end of the year or to actually make your resolutions is to not set such high goals for yourself. In the end creating such high expectations for yourself will only bring disappointment and negativity into the new year. To stop this from happening the best thing to do is to create smaller and more attainable goals for yourself to complete.

For example, instead of promising yourself that you will lose a certain amount of weight by the end of the year, just make more attainable goals by eating a few more fruits and vegetables a week, or taking one more walk a week then you have been. Taking more daunting less attainable goals and breaking them down into more achievable motivations can help build up your motivation to eventual goals that you can achieve by the end of the year.

From our RiverCourt Family to yours,

Have a wonderful New Year and stay safe during these tough times.

Welcoming new staff…

RiverCourt Residences is happy to welcome our new activities Director, Amanda Cowan. Amanda has worked in the senior living industry for the past 10 years. She has a degree in Human Sevices and a certification in Gerentology. We look forward to the exciting and innovative programs that Amanda has in store for us!