A MEMORY CAFÉ is held in a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize and enjoy activities together. They allow those living with any form of dementia or cognitive decline an opportunity to enjoy the company of others. Memory Cafés provide mutual support, exchange of information and a place for caregivers to enjoy activities with their loved one as a break from the normal routine. Enjoy connections made through music, dancing, crafts, guided reminiscing, painting, exercise…you name it! Each Memory Café is different but they all offer a variety of engaging activities for participants.
Come join us on a Laughter Vacation with Susan Phillips, Laughter Yoga Teather! We don’t need to wait for something funny to happen to make us laugh. We generate laughter together, through a worldwide practice called Laughter Yoga. There are no mats or yoga poses – we do easy laughter exercises that generate giggles and we help each other laugh because those giggles quickly become contagious! We do relaxing breaths between our laughs and just enjoy each other’s company! Hearty laughter has so many health benefits! We feel energized, and light-hearted, release tension, and make such warm connections with each other. Come shed the stress and share the fun.
Refreshments will be enjoyed from 10:30am-11:00am
Main event will take place from 11:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday, February 21 • 10:30am-12:00pm
Workshop presented by Susan Philips, M.Ed., Integrative Health Coach and Laughter Yoga Teacher
Groton Center • 163 West Main Street • Groton, Massachusetts 01450
To register, or for questions contact: Ashley Shaheen at The Groton Center
978-448-1170 • Email: Ashaheen@grotonma.gov