Resident Profile: Eleanor Cromwell

Eleanor, or as her friends and family call her Ellie, was born August 6th of 1930 (91) in Fitchburg Massachusetts where she spent her most forming years. She graduated high school at Fitchburg High School and then later graduated from the Convalescent home for Children. Eleanor’s husband was named Jack Cromwell, a coast guard and loving husband. They met in Nantucket where they would frequently run into each other on the beach everyday while Eleanor was working. She would be taking a walk on the beach with one of the children in their stroller named Hope. Eleanor stated that her husband would at that time tell his friends that “this is the women I am going to marry one day,” and the rest is history.

Eleanor has 3 children named John, Nancy Lee, and Faith; she also has 7 grandchildren as well. As she was married to a member of the Coast Guard, Eleanor has traveled a lot and been to several different countries. Including, but not limited to, Italy, France and most of England. While there her and her husband Jack loved to go see the theatre and the shows that were being performed there and just enjoyed spending time with one another.

Although she hasn’t been with us for too long, Eleanor has made several friends and has gotten along well with everyone she meets. She is a great addition to RiverCourt and will be able to tell wonderful stories about all the traveling that she has done in her lifetime.