Upcoming Events: February 2022

  • Wednesday 2nd @ 3:30- Welcome Cocktail Hour with The Murphy’s
  • Saturday 5th @ 1:30- Music with the Band Suave
  • Monday 7th @ 3:00- Afternoon Social with Seth on Guitar
  • Thursday 10th @ 10:30- Power of Flowers: Valentine’s Day Flower Arranging
  • Friday 11th @ 1:30- Valentine’s Day Party with Ukulele J
  • Wednesday 15th @ 10:30- Stories with Dr. Ken: Disney World
  • Monday 21st @ 10:30- Guest Speaker Henry Quinlan: Helping the Aging Brain and Body Stay Healthy
  • Tuesday 22nd @ 2:30- Joe Malone Presents: Louis Armstrong
  • Thursday 24th @ 5:30- International Night: France